«Witnesses» is a film and educational project dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust victims. The project consists of the eponymous feature film directed by Konstantin Fam, three short novellas – «Shoes», «Brutus», and «Violin» – as well as film and educational networking programme «Witnesses: In Memory of the Holocaust».
The idea for the project was born at the Auschwitz Memorial Complex, at the glass display cabinet with thousands of shoes that once belonged to the concentration camp victims.
Digital essay contest among Russian teachers
The network film educational project «Witnesses: In memory of the Holocaust» announces an essay contest
Project-winner of the Presidential Grants Foundation competition
The network film education project became one of the winners of the second competition of the Presidential Grants Fund in 2020
Film and Educational project: «Witnesses: In Memory of the Holocaust»
Project «Witnesses» launches its film and educational programme
«Witnesses» British premiere
On November 28, a special screening of the feature film «Witnesses» will be held in London
Promotion of «Violin» at film festivals has wrapped
The «Violin» has a successful international film festival life
«Witnesses» won the Grand Prix in Tokyo
The film «Witnesses» that was part of the competition program at the Mt. Fuji Atami Film Festival received the Grand Prix
The «Witnesses» movie will have limited release in the United States
Screenings of the «Witnesses» will take place in four US cities
«Witnesses» premieres in Israel
Special premiere screenings of the film «Witnesses» in Israel took place from February 6 to February 10, commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Special premiere screening of «Witnesses» will take place on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The feature film «Witnesses» by Konstantin Fam will premiere at Oktyabr Cinema